
Arcades can look just like your brand: you can add your logo as a watermark, customize the colors, fonts, buttons on the share page, and more!


How can I remove the Arcade watermark or add my own watermark?

Removing the watermark is only possible for users on paid plans, and adding your own watermark is only available on the Growth plan. If you want to upgrade to a Pro or Growth plan, check out the upgrade page.

All Arcades on the Free plan have the Arcade watermark in the bottom right corner.

If you are on the Growth plan, add your own watermark to Arcades by going to and adding your logo.

How can I add my logo as a watermark?

On the Growth plan plan, you can add your own logo as a watermark on your Arcade. You can also set custom hover text and a URL for the watermark.

How else can I brand the page?

In addition to adding your watermark to embedded Arcades, Growth users can add their logo to the Share page and customize the button on the top right of the share page. See the Arcade above!

Can I always use the same brand colors and settings?

For sure. You can do this by setting up a Theme underneath Settings > Theme and add a new theme. On any Arcade, you can click on the Design icon and then select the theme. You can also set a theme to apply to a folder, and have any Arcade that moves into that folder change its branding to match the theme.

Chapters and Navigation

A chapter or overlay is a way of breaking up your Arcade and adding context. You can add one at the beginning, end, or anywhere in the middle of your Arcade where you feel it helps!

Can I add CTA to a chapter?

Start overlays and chapters (in the middle of an Arcade) can only lead to the following step of the Arcade. Overlays at the end of an Arcade can have a CTA to an external page, another Arcade, or anything else you can think of!

You'll be able to track the clicks on your CTA on the Insights page.

What is navigation?

The navigation settings allows you to add a progress bar at the bottom of the Arcade, with a segment for each step in the Arcade.

Without navigation, a viewer needs to click on each hotspot in order to progress through an Arcade. With navigation, the viewer can see the number of remaining steps and jump forward and backward.

Colors and Fonts

Can I adjust the wrapper/frame around the Arcade?

You can adjust the wrapper to dark or light mode to match your site, or remove it entirely. You can also add a background around the wrapper or Arcade.

Can I change the background on an Arcade?

Yes! In the editor, inside the Design panel, you can select from a pre-selected set of high-quality backgrounds or upload your own.

Can I use my brand styles (colors and fonts)?

For sure! You can set the hotspot or text color to a HEX code by clicking on the hotspot settings in Edit mode. You can adjust your font to any Google Font by going to the Arcade settings and selecting Appearance.

These changes are on a per-Arcade basis. If you are on the Growth plan, you can set consistent brand settings to apply to all Arcades in your team folder.


Does Arcade support blurring?

Yup! You can see our blurring feature below! Just use the blur tool to mask any part of your screenshot. You can add as many blur masks as you'd like!

Can I made my Arcade fullscreen?

You can make any Arcade full screen by just clicking the expand button in the top right.

Want to take your Arcade to the next level?

If you're building an Arcade for your website, and need some help with some polish, we have some resources for you. Check it out here: Arcade Experts 🏆

Last updated