Post-capture edit

Our HTML Capture allows you to save underlaying HTML of every image step that you capture so that you’re able to modify it after you finished recording. You can change text, swap images or delete part

How to turn that on?

After feature flag was enabled for you, simply go to the Chrome Extension, select the Settings button, and toggle Capture HTML to on. From now on, each Arcade you record, will automatically save HTML as well, no extra work needed.

How can I edit captured HTML?

After you finished recording Arcade, you need to open Edit. When you switch to Image step, you should see “HTML editor” in the toolbar on the right side. Once you click on it, modal window will open and let you modify the content. Here is an Arcade reviewing the process:

Is HTML capture safe?

We never expose captured HTML to Arcade viewers. It is accessibly only by you and your team members when editing the Arcade. From viewer perspective, nothing changes, to them, Arcade with HTML capture is no different from the one without.

Can I edit video steps with captured HTML?

Right now, we do not support updating videos post capture, but it’s on our roadmap. In the meantime, you can modify HTML before the recording with the help of Page Morph and those changes will be included in the video steps.

I'm facing a problem. What should I do?

The release is still in BETA so we expect problems. Each app is unique and we try to gradually cover all the cases. If something is not captured correctly in your app, please let us know at At the minimum, send us a link to the arcade, but we’d have the easiest time figuring out the problem and fixing it, if we could get access to your app. A test account that allows us to reproduce the problem ourselves.

What comes next?

We’re currently working on fixing bugs discovered on apps of our early adopters, but we’d love to hear from you. Where would you like us to go with this feature? Major topics that we have on our roadmap are API and variables support in the Post Capture that would allow you to dynamically personalize the content.

Last updated